The reunion commenced on Wednesday, April 10, 2002, at the Holiday Inn, Buena Park, CA. There were several early arrivals beginning Saturday April 6, and several remained until April 16, to take advantage of visiting some sites in the area.
Wednesday evening 93 departed the hotel via chartered bus for a dinner cruise aboard the Motor Yacht SPIRIT out of the Port of Long Beach. A Mexican buffet was enjoyed by all as well as a view of the Long Beach Coastline, hundreds of moored sailboats and hundreds of expensive coastline homes and cottages.
Thursday evening 118 dined at the Wild Bill's Dinner Extravaganza and watched as Annie, Wild Bill and others danced and sang for our enjoyment. Especially popular were the comedian who had some great jokes and Tony Vigna who danced with Annie and her troop and removed Annie's garter with his mouth. We enjoyed soup, fried chicken, BBQ ribs, potato, apple pie and ice cream and bottomless beer, sodas and coffee.
Friday morning 114 traveled to Knott's Berry Farm for wonderful buffet breakfast and a presentation by Bruce Seivers. His program entitled "An American in Love with His Country" was inspiring to all. After breakfast and the presentation, 82 remained to spend the day at the Knott's Berry Farm Theme Park.
Saturday morning 132 departed the hotel via chartered bus for a served breakfast aboard the Queen Mary berthed in Long Beach. Upon arrival in the Britannia Salon the Colors were posted by a group of 8 Korean Boy Scouts from Troop 75, Buena Park. After the Pledge of Allegiance, Rev. Timothy Muller offered a prayer. After breakfast a Memorial Service was held to remember the 250 known deceased shipmates. After the reading of names the Colors were retired and all departed to the after deck where a wreath was presented over the side by Helene and Paula Wallace, wife and daughter of Bill Wallace and Kate Buck, wife of Ken Buck. Taps was played, the Memorial Service completed after which all had an opportunity to take a self-guided tour or a guided tour of the Queen Mary.
We departed for the Holiday Inn at 1400 hours and the Business Meeting was held at 1500 hours in the Hospitality Room. The following took place at this Business Meeting:
Frank Hawkins, Treasurer, presented a preliminary treasurer's report. The final report will be published in the SCOOP at a later date after all reunion expenses are paid.
Gene Blum, Secretary-Registrar, reported 68 shipmates and a total of 136 were in attendance; 58 shipmates were added to the Active Roster and 28 shipmates were added to the Deceased Roster since the Buffalo Reunion in September 2000; 5 shipmates are present for their first reunion; 9 Plankowners are present and the shipmate present that has attended the most reunions is Harlan Dahl with 9; 7 other shipmates were present that have attended 8 reunions.
First timers are: Gary Einck, Joe Goldfarb, Dick McGuire, John Rhodes and Ray Tidd.
Plank Owners are: Richard Crandall, Don "Sandy" Sanford, Harlan Dahl, Jim Marshall, Mike Masciola, Ed Patacchiola, Roman Plonka, Al Schowalter and Perry Shelton.
Ed Bryan, SCOOP Editor, provided a written report advising that he needed information for future editions from the members.
Mike Kranack, Ship's Store Operator, provided a brief report.
Jim Hawker, Historian, provided a brief report requesting members send information to him for the History files.
Election of Officers for the next reunion were held with the election results as follows:
Those present nominated eleven sites for the next reunion. They are: Newport, RI Boston, MA San Antonio, TX Savannah, GA New Orleans, LA Baton Rouge, LA Mobile, AL Jacksonville, FL Louisville, KY Branson, MO Kissimmee, FL After votes to retain the sites that received 50% or more votes the final three sites selected in order of preference are: Newport, RI New Orleans, LA San Antonio, TX |
The following changes to the Association's Guidelines and Practices were made: On page 1: Change Assistant Reunion Coordinator to Assistant Reunion Coordinator/Tour and Program Coordinator; delete Committee positions of Tour and Program Coordinator and Assistant Tour and Program Coordinator. On Page 3: Remove duties of the Tour and Program Coordinator and add them to the duties of the Reunion Coordinator as items 11, 12 and 13. On Page 7, Paragraph 21: Delete Tour and Program Coordinator and replace with Assistant Reunion Coordinator/Tour and Program Coordinator. It was moved, seconded and passed to: Donate $500.00 to Tin Can Sailors for Museum Ships. Donate $500.00 for a FDNY Memorial in remembrance of Tom Kelly who lost his life at the World Trade Center terrorist attack. Tom is the son of Emmet and Susan Kelly. The Memorial to be selected by Emmet and Susan Kelly. Following the meeting there was a cocktail hour beginning at 1800 hours. Dinner was served at 1900 hours. We were honored to receive a proclamation from the Mayor of Buena Park. We were also honored to have present with us for our banquet, Pattie Davidson, the Director of the Buena Park Convention and Visitor's Bureau who was so helpful providing information for the reunion. The meal was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Following the banquet meal there was a 50/50 raffle and numerous items presented as raffle prizes and door prizes. The 50/50 raffle sales totaled $680.00 so $340.00 was available at prize money. Tom Cooke won $70.00; Russell Shillaber won $100.00 and Hugh MacAlister won $170.00. The sale of raffle tickets for donated items brought over $800.00 and there were dozens of donated items for the raffle drawing and door prize drawings. The grand prizes were one night's hotel room paid ($65.00) won by Ed Patacchiola; two night's hotel room ($130.00) won by Helene Wallace and three night's hotel room ($195.00) won by Hugh MacAlister.The Reunion Committee thanks all that donated prizes for this reunion. The donated items are a great attraction at the reunion and help keep our bank account solvent. We did keep a record of the items donated, the donor as well as the winners but to include them all here would require several more pages of report. To all who donated, to all that came to this reunion and to all that volunteered many hours of their time to make this reunion a success we offer a great big THANK YOU!!! |