2003 Businesss Meeting Minutes

Mike Pollack, Reunion Coordinator, called the meeting to order at approximately 1600 hours. The following reports were made:

Gene Blum, Secretary-Registrar:

Reported that we have 93 shipmates present including 6 plank owners and 21 attending their first reunion. Fifty (50) have been added to our Active Roster since the 2002 reunion in Buena Park, CA plus two (2) since our arrival in Louisville. 31 have been added to the Deceased Roster since the 2002 reunion in Buena Park, plus 5 since our arrival in Louisville.

Frank Hawkins, Treasurer:

Reported that we have approximately $10,000 in the bank including $2,058.00 unexpended newsletter receipts, $3,328.00 Ship's Store and Donations of $1,904.00. At this time it was moved, seconded and passed that the Association make a donation to Tin Can Sailors in the amount of $1,000.00.

Mike Kranack, Ship's Store Operator:

Reported that sales have been good; that he is having problems with some supplier(s) that have minimum buy requirements for each size of product and that he would be dealing with them after return from the reunion.

The next order of business was election of Committee Members for the next reunion. The following Committee Members were elected:

Reunion Coordinator: Mike Pollack
Secretary-Registrar: Gene Blum
Assistant Secretary-Registrar: Bill Prince
Treasurer: Frank Hawkins
Assistant Treasurer: Gene Blum
Store Keeper: Mike Kranack
Assistant Store Keeper: Mel Gilmore
SCOOP Editor: Ed Bryan
Historian: Jim Hawker

The next order of business was selection of sites for the next reunion to be held in the spring of 2005. Mike Pollack reported on a site in Plymouth Meeting, PA approximately 15 miles Northwest of Philadelphia. Tony and Dorothy Vigna initially provided information about this site. Mike had discussions with the Double Tree Hotel there and with a reunion Thursday through Sunday in April 2005 they offered room rates of $79.00 plus tax. Each room at that rate is a 2 room Suite and the rate includes a free breakfast buffet each morning. There are a number of historic sites to visit in the area and much to see and do.

Also presented for potential next reunion sites were Branson, MO; San Antonio, TX; a cruise out of Cape Canaveral, FL; and the Great Lakes area.

A vote was taken and the 3 sites selected were Plymouth Meeting, PA all but 10 voted in favor; Branson, MO, 10 voted in favor; and San Antonio, TX, 11 voted in favor. The cruise received 4 votes and the Great Lakes received no votes.

Everyone that brought item(s) for the raffle and for door prizes was thanked for their donation.

Gene Blum reported that a donation had been received for a Memorial from the family of Doras Motley. The Memorial agreed upon was a plaque, the design and procurement of which would be by the Association's Treasurer, Frank Hawkins and a vendor local to his home. The plaque will be a perpetual record of the date and location of all reunions past and future. The plaque would be brought to all future reunions for display.

A motion was made, seconded and carried that the meeting be adjourned.

Prior to the meeting while Mike Pollack and Frank Hawkins were dealing with the Tour Operator, Gene Blum gave a brief report and correspondence was read regarding John Morrisey, Ken Hoult, Bill Morgan, and Doras Motley, their health and why they were not present. Included in the report was Harlan Dahl, who had an antique car show to judge on this weekend, and Orin Tovson who was attending the reunion of another ship he served. Others inquired about Harry and Nancy Shoup and Jay Moser. Gene Blum said he would contact Harry and Jay and report at the banquet.

Respectfully submitted,

Gene Blum, Secretary-Registrar

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