A Summary of the USS Soley (DD707) Reunion
Marriott Chicago Naperville Hotel
Naperville, Illinois
12-16 September 2012
Rave reviews
17th Reunion of the USS Soley (DD-707) Reunion Association was attended by 40
shipmates, and their wives, family members, and guests, for a grand total of
79.� The reunion began on 12 September
2012, as attendees arrived throughout the day from all parts of the
country.� Some arrived a day or two early
to take advantage of the extra time to finalize preparation of events, do a
little sightseeing, or just relax.�� Some
also stayed a day or two after the reunion to unwind and relax before their
trip home.
Plankowner, Mike Masciola
and his wife Jean attended the entire reunion.�
Both seemed fit as fiddles.� When
Mike described some of the activities he is involved with back home in New
York, it really put this sailor and other shipmates to shame, as many of us are
younger, but not as fit and active as he is.��
Mike is like the Ever-Ready Bunny � he never stops going.� Another Plankowner,
Al Schowalter attended the Banquet only.� Good to see you again ,
of shipmates attending this year�s reunion included Joanne Broderick and Helene
Wallace.� Joining Helene was her daughter
Paula.�� It was great to see them again.� Another widow, Ernestene
Eble and her daughter Lynn, who are regular
attendees, were unable to attend and were missed by all.� We are always happy and proud to have these
members of the Soley family continue to be a part of
our reunions.
attending was Eric Olsen, Bill and Heidi Olsen�s teenage grandson.�� This was Eric�s 2nd reunion and
he has quickly become an honorary shipmate.�
Eric always volunteers to help out where needed, and we certainly
appreciated his help throughout the reunion.�
He makes us feel young again, although it is becoming more and more
difficult as the body doesn�t want to cooperate.� Eric has enlisted in the US Marine Corp, with
his active duty commitment beginning when he graduates from high school.� We wish him God speed as he joins the other
brave young men and women who help defend our freedom.�� Best of luck Eric.� We hope to see you at future reunions!
�We also welcomed nine shipmates and their
wives who were attending their 1st reunion:�
& Lois Anders, Randy & Linda Burns, Ken & Janice Dry, Richard &
Marian June, Tom & Susan Liewert, Dan &
Catherine Onofrey, Brian & Alice Perkinson,�
Henry & Kathie Steare, and Dennis &
Nora Vigil.�� Hope you enjoyed yourselves
and will be back at the next reunion.��
If I missed anyone or listed you by mistake, I apologize.
first official reunion event was on Wednesday evening, 12 Sept.� We traveled by motor coach to downtown
Chicago and Tommy Gun�s Garage, a replica of a roaring twenties speakeasy,
where we enjoyed a great dinner and musical comedy review, complete with
singing, dancing, and tommy guns.��� The food and entertainment was enjoyed by
all.� As in past reunions, Tony Vigna was picked out of the audience to go on stage and
participate in a skit in which Tony was asked to impersonate James Cagney.�� He did a great job.�� When we got back to the hotel Tony said that
was his last �free performance�.� Next
time he expects to be paid.� I wonder if
he has an agent.� Thanks, Tony, for being
a good sport.
Thursday, Sept. 13, we again boarded motor coaches for a trip to downtown
Chicago for a bus tour of the city and a stop at Soldier Field to see a
Memorial Water Wall and statue, which is a memorial to all veterans.� We then took a 1-hour narrated cruise on the
Chicago River which highlighted the diverse architecture of Chicago�s downtown
as it has evolved over the years.� It was
a great history lesson and fascinating cruise.�
After the cruise we were cut loose on the Navy Pier, the most visited
tourist attraction in Chicago.� The Pier
was once used for shipping, naval training and even as a university.� It has now been converted into a shopping,
eating and entertainment complex.� There
is even a 16-story high Ferris wheel on the Pier, as well as the only museum in
the USA dedicated solely to stained glass.�
Because we didn�t have much time to spend on the Pier, most of us only
had time for a little sightseeing, lunch, and to buy souvenirs.� A group of us had lunch at Bubba Gump�s
Shrimp Co. (for you Forrest Gump fans), which had many shrimp and other seafood
items on the menu.� The food was great
and the wait staff was really a fun bunch.
Friday, 14 Sept. we traveled by motor coach to the Great Lakes Naval Training
Center, where most of us went to Boot Camp, many years ago!� As we entered the Base, a sailor boarded our
buses and took us on a narrated tour of the base.� Of course most of the buildings, as we had
known them, had been replaced, but the tour was very interesting.� We then had an excellent lunch at the
Officers� Club Port O� Call Restaurant followed by our Memorial Service.� Before our Master of Ceremonies, Jim Hawker,
read the names of Soley shipmates who have passed
away over the last several years, Jim related a story about his cousin Tommy
Hawker, a sailor, who was killed in action during the Vietnam War.� Tommy had volunteered for 3 tours and was
killed in an 8 inch gun mount on the USS NEWPORT NEWS during his third tour in
1972.� It was very moving.� A note of interest was that at the last
minute I was informed that the Base would be unable to provide the services of
a Navy Chaplain, as all of the Base Chaplains were away performing their duties
in support of our military operations around the World.� Jim Hawker agreed to step up and say the
appropriate prayers during the service.�
Thanks, Jim.
Saturday, 15 Sept. there were no tours scheduled, so we held our business
meeting that morning.� The meeting began
with first time reunion attendees being recognized.� By all accounts they all had a great time.� Reports by the Reunion Coordinator,
Secretary/Registrar, Treasurer, Storekeeper, Historian and Webmaster were
made.� Items of interest were:� 13 shipmates passed away since the last
reunion, while several new shipmates were added to the Active Roster.� Our Webmaster, Frank Chesla, informed us that
our website continues to average 4150 hits per month.� He also reported that he is continually
updating our Rosters and that electronic copies are provided to all Committee
members.� The Soley
Scoop, our quarterly newsletter, under the editorship of Chuck Bruce continues
to provide members with interesting and information and great �sea
stories�.� Chuck asked that members
continue to send him new stories.�
Elections were then held to elect or re-elect Association committee
members for the coming 18 months.� The
results of that election are below.��
Potential sites for the next reunion were voted on and the top two sites
were Norfolk and the Annapolis/Washington DC area.�� As the Reunion Coordinator, I will conduct
research on both locations and based on my report to the Committee, a site will
be voted on and selected by the Committee.�
The site selection will be published in the Soley
Scoop as soon as it is known.
being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Members and their Assistants elected for the coming 18 months are as follows:
����������� Reunion Coordinator�������������������������� Mike Pollack
����������� Assistant Reunion Coordinator���������� Len Porter
����������� Treasurer������������������������������������������� Jim Brown
����������� Assistant Treasurer���������������������������� Frank Hawkins
����������� Secretary/Registrar��������������������������� Skip Sharpe
����������� Assistant Secretary/Registrar������������ Bob Sefton
����������� Historian��������������������������������������������� Jim Hawker
����������� Assistant Historian����������������������������� Len Porter
����������� Ship�s Store Operator������������������������ Mike Kranack
����������� Assistant Ship�s Store Operator������� �Dave Cummins
����������� SCOOP Editor����������������������������������������������� Chuck Bruce
����������� Assistant SCOOP Editor������������������� Bill Smith
����������� Webmaster���������������������������������������� Frank Chesla
����������� Assistant Webmaster������������������������� Len Porter
Jim Brown and Skip Sharpe, our two new Committee members.�� Also, a big thank you to
Len Porter for agreeing to serve in multiple Assistant positions.� Thanks, Len.
remainder of Saturday was free and folks took advantage of sightseeing and
shopping opportunities in the area, or just relaxed in the Hospitality Room
visiting with shipmates and their families.�
Banquet was on Sunday evening at the hotel.�
Jim Hawker again stepped up as Master of Ceremonies, overseeing the
evening�s festivities.� Included were
introductions of our �Plankowners in Attendance�, our
first-time attendees, shipmates who have attended the
most reunions, reunion committee members for this reunion, and newly elected
committee members.�
also had a special treat that evening as our Guest Speaker was Brian Perkinson,
CPT, US Navy, Retired.�
Having served on the Soley from 1963 to 1965
as an Ensign and LTJG,�
Brian and his wife Alice were attending their 1st
reunion.� I served with Brian, 1963-1964,
and it was great seeing him again after all these years.� Following his Navy career Brian worked in the
shipbuilding industry and headed up the design and production team for the Arleigh Burke (DDG 51) class destroyers. � In his remarks Brian related his experience
with that endeavor and his views on the Navy, past,
present, and future.� He also told some
very entertaining personal �sea stories� about his time aboard the Soley.�
Timer Henry Steare presented the Association with a
plaque he removed from the trash while the Soley was
in the Portsmouth Dry Dock for FRAM in 1961.�
The plaque was removed from the Radio Shack door.� Thank you Henry!
dinner, there was a 50/50 drawing, drawing for raffle prizes, that included
many items donated by shipmates and their families, as well as door
prizes,�� A big thank you to all those
who donated items and to Dottie Vigna and her crew
for selling many 50/50 and raffle tickets, which raised lots of money for the
�I�d also like to give a big �thank you� to my
fellow committee members for volunteering their time and effort to help keep
the Association going on a day-to-day basis, and for all their hard work
leading up to and during the reunion.� A special thank you to Mike & Pat Kranack for running our
Ship�s Store and selling tickets for their special raffle.� They sold a bunch of merchandise & raffle
tickets this year providing the Association with much needed funds.�
a big thank you is in order to everyone who attended and to those who lent a
helping hand during the reunion. A great time was had by all, and we look
forward to the next reunion.�
stay healthy and spread the word about what a grand time we have at our
you in Norfolk or Annapolis/Washington, DC � Spring of
2014.� As I�m writing this article, I�ve
already contacted the Norfolk Convention & Visitors Bureau and by the time
you read this I will have begun evaluating bids from hotels.
Mike Pollack