A Summary of the 2015 Myrtle Beach Reunion



2015 Reunion

Our 19th Ship�s Reunion was held at the Beach Cove Resort in North Myrtle Beach, SC, 4-8 October 2015.Despite much rain and wind (the fringes of a hurricane), 82 brave souls (40 shipmates and 42 family members and guests) attended.We had 14 cancellations, 9 weather related and 5 for health reasons.We didn�t let the bad weather deter us from having another great reunion.


Plankowners in attendance were Mike Masciola and his wife Jean.Also, attending her 1st reunion was Michele Berndt, Mike and Jean�s daughter.Another Plankowner, Bill McMurdy and his wife Jane, had to cancel due to the hurricanes in the area.Hope to see them next time.�� We also had a slew of other 1st timers in attendance, some shipmates, and some family members.�� I think they all had a good time and will be back.I certainly hope so.Here�s a list of those first-time attendees:

Ed Gillette (GMG3, 62-64) & his wife Anna; Rob Hall (Jack & Shirley Hunter�s grandson); John Hawker (Jim Hawker�s brother); Graham Heller (SN, 64-66) & his wife Margaret; Susan Kirkley (Al Stiles� significant other); Marta Krasinski (Frank Brennan�sgirlfriend); Jerry Loch (FN3, 61-63) and his wife Carol; Nate Maracick (BT3, 63-65), Dave McCracken (BT3, 64-66) & his wife Geneva; Larry Pullam (IC3, 59-60) & his wife Nancy; Carlton Smith (ETN2, 51-58) & his wife Emma; Barbara Spowseller (Ralph Furr�s significant other); Tony Vigna, Jr. & his wife Allison (Tony & Dottie Vigna�s son & daughter-in-law); Ray Wolf (IC2, 61-66) & his wife Judy; Kathleen Wisley (George Kelly�s daughter)

-If I missed anyone, or made any errors, I apologize-


Rather than describe each reunion event, as I usually do, I�d just like to say that everyone had a great time.One tour had to be cancelled due to the high water in the area, but the hotel was very comfortable and accommodating.Those of you who had to cancel or did not register, you will get another chance � because � we are returning to the same hotel for our next reunion.We decided to return, not only because it was a great location, but also because it will save me much time and effort in researching and selecting another site.These old bones are kind of winding down and things aren�t as easy as they used to be.So, I�d like to thank those at our business meeting for voting to return to the Beach Cove and North Myrtle Beach for the next reunion.The dates will be 7-11 May 2017, so I can almost guarantee that there will be no hurricanes!


I would like to mention a few things about the last reunion.First, I�d like to thank all those who helped out during the reunion, including:Jim Hawker, for performing master of ceremony duties at our memorial service and banquet.I know Jim puts a lot of work into those events and takes great pride in what he does; Dottie Vigna and her crew for selling a bunch of raffle and 50/50 tickets, and decorating the hospitality room; Linda Folk, who manned the Ship�s Store in Patty Kranack�s absence, and did an outstanding job selling a good amount of merchandise; Jerry Loch and his wife Carol, for leading prayers and providing musical accompaniment during our memorial service and at our banquet, and; all those who manned the registration desk and otherwise helped out when needed during the reunion.Thanks to all!!


Elections were held at our business meeting to elect or re-elect Association Committee members to serve until the next reunion.�� Members and their Assistants are:


����������Reunion Coordinator������������������������Mike Pollack

����������� Assistant Reunion Coordinator�������� Len Porter

����������� Secretary/Registrar���������������������������� George Stamps

����������� Treasurer��������������������������������� ������� �����Shirley Brown

����������� Assistant Treasurer ��������������� ������� �����Jm Brown

����������� Historian����������������������������������� �������� ���Jim Hawker

����������� Assistant Historian����������������� ��������� ���Len Porter

����������� Ship�s Store Operator������������������������ Pat Kranack

����������� Assistant Ship�s Store Operator������ Linda Folk

����������� SCOOP Editor�������������������������� ������������ Chuck Bruce

����������� Assistant SCOOP Editor��������� ��������� ����Jim Hawker

����������� Webmaster����������������������������� ������������� Frank Chesla

����������� Assistant Webmaster������������ ������������� Len Porter


The only new Committee member is George Stamps.Thanks for stepping up George and welcome to the Committee.I�d also like to thank my fellow committee members for volunteering their time and effort to help keep the Association going on a day-to-day basis, and for all their hard work leading up to and during the reunion.




Mike Pollack, Reunion Coordinator