A Summary of the 2015 Myrtle
Beach Reunion
2015 Reunion
�Our 19th Ship�s Reunion
was held at the Beach Cove Resort in North Myrtle Beach, SC, 4-8 October
2015.� Despite much rain and wind (the
fringes of a hurricane), 82 brave souls (40 shipmates and 42 family members and
guests) attended.� We had 14
cancellations, 9 weather related and 5 for health reasons.� �We
didn�t let the bad weather deter us from having another great reunion.
in attendance were Mike Masciola and his wife
Jean.� Also, attending her 1st
reunion was Michele Berndt, Mike and Jean�s daughter.� Another Plankowner,
Bill McMurdy and his wife Jane, had to cancel due to
the hurricanes in the area.� Hope to see
them next time.�� We also had a slew of
other 1st timers in attendance, some shipmates, and some family
members.�� I think they all had a good
time and will be back.� I certainly hope
so.� Here�s a list of those first-time attendees:
Ed Gillette (GMG3, 62-64) & his wife Anna; Rob
Hall (Jack & Shirley Hunter�s grandson); John Hawker (Jim Hawker�s
brother); Graham Heller (SN, 64-66) & his wife Margaret; Susan Kirkley (Al Stiles� significant other); Marta Krasinski (Frank Brennan�s�
girlfriend); Jerry Loch (FN3, 61-63) and his wife Carol; Nate Maracick (BT3, 63-65), Dave McCracken (BT3, 64-66) &
his wife Geneva; Larry Pullam (IC3, 59-60) & his
wife Nancy; Carlton Smith (ETN2, 51-58) & his wife Emma; Barbara Spowseller (Ralph Furr�s
significant other); Tony Vigna, Jr. & his wife
Allison (Tony & Dottie Vigna�s son & daughter-in-law);
Ray Wolf (IC2, 61-66) & his wife Judy; Kathleen Wisley
(George Kelly�s daughter)
-If I missed anyone, or made
any errors, I apologize-
�Rather than describe each reunion
event, as I usually do, I�d just like to say that everyone had a great time.� One tour had to be cancelled due to the high
water in the area, but the hotel was very comfortable and accommodating.� Those of you who had to cancel or did not
register, you will get another chance � because � we are returning to the same
hotel for our next reunion.� We decided
to return, not only because it was a great location, but also because it will
save me much time and effort in researching and selecting another site.� These old bones are kind of winding down and
things aren�t as easy as they used to be.�
So, I�d like to thank those at our business meeting for voting to return
to the Beach Cove and North Myrtle Beach for the next reunion.� The dates will be 7-11 May 2017, so I can
almost guarantee that there will be no hurricanes!
I would like to mention a few things about the last reunion.� First, I�d like to thank all those who helped
out during the reunion, including:� Jim
Hawker, for performing master of ceremony duties at our memorial service and
banquet.� I know Jim puts a lot of work
into those events and takes great pride in what he does; Dottie Vigna and her crew for selling a bunch of raffle and 50/50
tickets, and decorating the hospitality room; �Linda Folk, who manned the Ship�s Store in
Patty Kranack�s absence, and did an outstanding job
selling a good amount of merchandise; Jerry Loch and his wife Carol, for
leading prayers and providing musical accompaniment during our memorial service
and at our banquet, and; all those who manned the registration desk and
otherwise helped out when needed during the reunion.� Thanks to all!!
Elections were held at our business meeting to elect or re-elect
Association Committee members to serve until the next reunion.�� Members and their Assistants are:
� ����������Reunion Coordinator� �������������������������Mike Pollack
����������� Assistant Reunion
Coordinator�������� Len Porter
Secretary/Registrar���������������������������� George Stamps
����������� Treasurer��������������������������������� ������� �����Shirley
����������� Assistant Treasurer ��������������� ������� �����Jm Brown
����������� Historian����������������������������������� �������� ����Jim
����������� Assistant Historian����������������� ��������� ����Len
����������� Ship�s Store
Operator������������������������ �Pat Kranack
����������� Assistant Ship�s Store
Operator������ ��Linda
����������� SCOOP Editor�������������������������� ������������ �Chuck Bruce
����������� Assistant SCOOP Editor��������� ��������� �����Jim
����������� Webmaster����������������������������� ������������� �Frank Chesla
����������� Assistant Webmaster������������ ������������� �Len Porter
The only new Committee member is George Stamps.� Thanks for stepping up George and welcome to
the Committee.� I�d also like to thank my
fellow committee members for volunteering their time and effort to help keep
the Association going on a day-to-day basis, and for all their hard work
leading up to and during the reunion.
Mike Pollack, Reunion Coordinator