���������������������������������� 2019 USS SOLEY Mini-Reunion
��������������������������������������������������������������� (summary)
����������� Where: Cambria Riverview Hotel
����������������������� Charleston, SC
����������� When:� October 1-4, 2019
����������� The first Soley Mini-Reunion was held at the new (grand opening June 11, 2019) Cambria
����������� Riverview Hotel and was a success. Our �crew� numbered 12 shipmates and family for a total
����������� of 26. You could say this was a shakedown cruise for both our crew and the hotel. The size of
����������� the hotel and convenience of the restaurant, bar and hospitality room added to the intimacy of
����������� the event. Great for a group this size. At the last reunion in Washington it was decided there
����������� would be no formal tours or banquet. On Wednesday,� Al Stiles and Susan, with the help of
����������� Graham & Margaret Heller hosted a backyard BBQ at Al's house. Being only 5 miles from the
����������� hotel made for a nice turnout. Thank you Al. The weather was great the entire time.
����������� On Thursday we held an informal meeting in the hospitality room. There was very positive
����������� feedback. Shirley Brown gave a treasurer's report. We are in good shape for now. As we no
����������� longer have income from the ship's store, the registration fee of $10.00 helped defray the cost
����������� of the hospitality room. Chuck Bruce will include this summary in the next edition of the Soley
������ ���� Scoop. Frank Chesla will also add the summary to the web site. His report on the future of the
web site follows: The annual cost of the web site will continue to be funded through the treasury.
����������� The USS Soley website will undergo some major changes between now and the end of the
����������� year. The current website is cumbersome to keep updated especially with changes to the
����������� Active, Bad addresses, Missing and Deceased shipmate listings. As our membership continues
����������� to decrease, those files will be removed and no longer appear on the website. We will try to
����������� keep the website essentially a historical site with the ship's history, current volunteers that
make up our bridge and a rolling list of approximately the last 20 or 25 shipmates we receive
or find obituary notifications for on the fantail.�
����������� We will still try to maintain links to military related websites that will be of help to both
����������� veterans and retired members of the USS Soley.
����������� We will also use the website and our facebook page as the primary notification tools regarding
����������� events that might be forthcoming. Please check the website often, and if you are not a member
����������� of the closed USS Soley facebook page, please register on the page to join.
����������� A master roster will be maintained, but will not appear on either the website or facebook,
����������� since it does contain personal information. If you have a particular need for information on
����������� a former shipmate, you can contact a member of the Bridge team, as each of them will have
����������� a copy of the most recent master roster.
����������� The website will be maintained as long as we have the funds to continue to pay for the
����������� hosting and the website URL.
����������� Our crew overwhelmingly approved the idea of having another mini-reunion next October.
����������� The weather in this region is still mild at this time of the year. Possible locations suggested
����������� were North Myrtle Beach, Charleston, Savannah, GA. And Branson, MO. The target date
����������� is October 20, 21 & 22, 2020. I would add that October 22 has a special meaning to many
����������� of us who served on the Soley on that date in 1962. That was the day we got underway for
����������� Cuba during what was to become the Cuban Missile Crisis. It was the same day President
���������� Kennedy informed the country of the situation. We would not return to Norfolk until
����������� December 17. I am sure there will be many interesting sea stories to go around.�
����������� This summary would not be complete without my personal special thanks to all those great
����������� people who were able to attend. Some had to travel great distances to be there. I hope they�
����������� along with the rest who make up our Soley Family can be at the next one. To Mike Pollack,
����������� while having to handle his own health issues, was never the less instrumental in the entire
����������� planning process. I appreciated his input and expertise all along the way. God speed to Mike
����������� and Linda for a full recovery.��
����������� I will continue to gather information for the next reunion site. Please check the Soley web site
� ��������� and the facebook page for further updates.
����������� Len Porter
����������� Assistant reunion Coordinator