USS Soley

Ship's Store Order Form

Description Quantity Unit Price Extended Price
American Flag Magnet  $1.00 
Bumper Sticker  $2.00 
Calculator/Clock  $5.00 
Cap, Soley  $12.00 
Cap, Soley, Officer  $15.00 
Cup $5.00 
Flashlight  $2.00 
Golf Shirt, M (Medium), White  $25.00 
Golf Shirt, L (Large), White  $25.00 
Golf Shirt, XL (Extra Large), White  $25.00 
Golf Shirt, XXL (Extra-Extra Large) $25.00 
Key Fob  $2.00 
Kids Shirt, White (Youth sizes S - M - L)  $5.00 
Patch, Desron 2 or Soley (circle choice)  $6.00 
Picture, USS Soley, 8x10 bw  $5.00 
Picture, USS Soley, 11x17 color  $2.00 
Pin, Soley, 3" Diameter  $5.00 
Roster Set, Active and Lost (Approx. 90 pages) $12.00 
Soley Golf Towel $5.00 
Soley History  $6.00 
Sun Visor (Ladies) $7.00 
Sweat Shirt, S (Small) $17.00 
Sweat Shirt, M (Medium) $17.00 
Sweat Shirt, L (Large) $17.00 
T Shirt (Blue), M (Medium)  $10.00 
T Shirt (Blue), L (Large)  $10.00 
T Shirt (Blue), XL (Extra Large)  $10.00 
T Shirt (Blue), XXL (Extra-Extra Large)  $10.00 
Windbreaker Jacket, M (Medium), Navy Blue  $28.00 
Windbreaker Jacket, L (Large), Navy Blue  $28.00 
Windbreaker Jacket, XL (Extra Large), Navy Blue  $28.00 
Windbreaker Jacket, XXL (Extra-Extra Large), Navy Blue  $28.00 
Zippo Lighter W/ Logo $22.00 
Click here to print this form
Please return completed form with check or money order only (limited Quantities Available All Items) to:
Mike Kranack
  521 Brierly Lane
     Munhall, PA. 15120-330
Ship To:(Print you shipping address here)

Shipping and Handling


Less than $20.00


$20.01 to $35.00


$35.01 to $50.00


$50.01 to $75.000


Greater than $75.00

15% of Order Total  
Grand Total